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Turkey’s first Deep-Tech Fund: DCP!

Turkey’s first ‘’Deep-Tech’’ fund, Diffusion Capital Partners, invest in new technology-oriented initiatives in the early stages of their development. We brought together DCP with important publications from the business, finance and technology world.

Chiliz Launched Fan Token for Galatasaray

Media relations and influencer management for Chiliz.

Chiliz, a leading sports and entertainment blockchain company, announced a new partnership with Galatasaray, offering fan tokens.

App launch and fan token hunt to start soon.

Case Study

Go Criteo!

Global Advertising Technologies Market Leader Criteo’s 2019 party in Fuzuli was once again very energetic! We organized a beautiful night in which we brought Criteo together with it’s customers who are among the important players in the e-commerce sector.

VOLENTIX – Digital Assets Ecosystem

Arranged interviews, one-to-one meetings for Volentix’s Turkey launch, during Blockchain Economy summit 2019.


Managed influencer projects. Volentix’s Prof. Emiris from the University of Athens, is now collaborating with Ismail Polat, of Kadir Has University in Turkey.

Air France

We’re happy to have started the communication activities of one of the world’s leading airlines, Air France!

Criteo’yu müşterileriyle bir araya getirdik

Küresel reklam teknolojileri pazarı lideri Criteo, yeni vizyonunu bir partiyle tanıttı. Ürün yelpazesinin ve hedeflerinin anlatıldığı gecede, davetliler enerjik bir atmosferde eğlendi.

Criteo Basın Buluşmaları

Criteo Türkiye ve Doğu Avrupa Ülke Direktörü Murat Kalafat’ı basın ile bir araya getirdik. Küresel reklam teknolojileri üzerine yaptığımız sohbetlerde Criteo’nun pazardaki gücünden, vizyonundan ve yeni hedeflerinden bahsettik.

Uluslararası bir organizasyonu daha geride bıraktık  

Uluslararası İşbirliği Platformu’nun Cumhurbaşkanlığı himayesinde düzenlediği 8. Boğaziçi Zirvesi’nde, 

dünyanın dört bir yanından konuşmacılarla birlikte ulusal ve uluslararası basını ağırladık. 

For 50th Anniversary Of Form Group of Companies We Gathered The Veterans Of The Sector 

Celebrated 50 establishment anniversary of Form Group of Companies with an elegant event at Rahmi Koc Museum, with the major role players of the industry.

At this gathering we launched the book “Turkish AC Sector under the Veterans’ Testimonies”, which was the gift of FORM to the AC sector.

Turkey’s Super Angel presented the details of Entrepreneurial and Investment

Turkey’s Super Angel, most renowned e-commerce investor Hasan Aslanoba presented significant commentaries about being an entrepreneur and an investor in Turkey as well as his own experiences.

Engineer Girls of Turkey are coming!

On October 21st, we have announced a project, which we were very proud to work for.

Social Responsibility of Limak Group of Companies - Engineer Girls of Turkey - was introduced to the leaders of media and press with a well attended press conference.

This project will support the education of girls in engineering roles, which will add great value representing the modern image of Turkey.

Wherever TAZEDİREKT Is, We Are There!

Organised great tasting events for media, bloggers, food editors by using ingredients in cooperation with famous chefs at their restaurants.

To name a few: Lokanta Armut, Kantin, Mangerie and last but not least the home of the founder of Tazedirekt, Hasan Aslanoba. We can surprise you anytime anywhere again.

HMF HYUNDAI ASANSÖR: Gayrimenkul Sektörünün Yıldızları Ödüllerine Kavuştu

6 Kasım gecesi Türk inşaat ve gayrimenkul sektörünün önde gelen isimleriyle bir araya geldik.


İletişim faaliyetlerini yürüttüğümüz HMF Hyundai Asansör, bu yıl ilki düzenlenen ‘Sign of the City’ ödüllerinin Platin Sponsoru oldu.


Gecede, “En İyi Çok Katlı Konut” kategorisinde ödülü HMF Hyundai Asansör Genel Müdürü Hakan Ek verdi.


Bu görkemli gecede orada olmaktan dolayı oldukça mutluyduk.

AIRTIES Dünyayı Kablosuz Ağlarla Sarıyor

Hızına yetişemediğimiz AirTies’da yaşanan son gelişmeleri paylaşmak üzere
Türkiye’nin önde gelen gazetecileriyle keyifli bir yemekte buluştuk.
AirTies’ın, Sky Deutchland ve Singtel ile olan yeni işbirliği anlaşmalarının detaylarını ilettik;
Gelecek dönem planlarından bahsettik.
AirTies yoluna hız kesmeden devam ediyor!

YAPI MERKEZİ started  the major railway project in Ethiopia…

On February 25, we were very proud as prfit.


The groundbreaking ceremony of Yapi Merkezi’s major project - Awash-Kombolcha-Hara Gebaya Railway Project, took place at Ethiopia Federal Democratic Republic.


With this, Yapı Merkezi started the construction of the 1,7 billion USD project and officially became the first Turkish Construction Company, signing such a major project in Ethiopia.

KHAN ACADEMY TÜRKÇE Celebrated Its  First Year

We have celebrated the 1st anniversary of Khan Academy Turkce.


With its mission, “Providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere”, the non-profit, online education platform Khan Academy in Turkish, taught over 2,5 million classes in one year.


Khan Academy in Turkish continues to pursue its mission with great confidence.

STFA: $ 4.4 billion bid in Qatar is awarded to a Turkish Company!

On April 23rd we heard the great news.


Our esteemed client STFA was awarded the highest international contract in Qatar, in the amount of $ 4.4 billion, marking the biggest ever deal inked by a Turkish company abroad.


We are proud to execute all PR and communication activities of STFA.

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